Organic children's clothes
For us at Molo, caring for the environment by doing our part for the future of our children is very important. This is why most of our cotton qualities are responsibly and organically made.

At Molo we use cotton which is either organic, OCS or GOTS* certified organic. But what is the difference? GOTS is a very extensive and far-reaching certification programme, which looks at all aspects of the value chain - from harvesting to the final product, as well as socio-economic factors, such as living wages and not only minimal wage. The term ‘organic cotton’ refers to the yarn from which the products are made.

Read more our two types of organic cotton below.
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What does GOTS certified mean?
GOTS stands for Global Organic Textile Standard and is the most recognized certification of organic textiles worldwide. The GOTS certificate guarantees that a product is completely organic, from the sowing and harvesting of raw materials, to the full finish of the product. This means everything from agriculture, harvesting, production, processing and manufacturing, as well as packaging and branding.

GOTS guarantees that a clothing item is made from 95% certified organic fibres and free of hazardous chemicals that can be toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting or environmentally harmful. At the same time, GOTS also ensures proper working conditions for farmers and seamstresses, so that they have the right to a wage they can live on - that is, a living wage and not just a minimum wage.

By purchasing GOTS certified products, you help to ensure that the product is produced with great care for the environment and those who manufacture the products.

Read more about GOTS here.
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What does organic cotton mean?
The production of organic cotton protects the environment from a wide range of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides or GMO’s (genetically modified organisms).

Unlike conventional cotton, organic farmers use ancestral farming methods, such as no-till farming, to preserve the nutritional content of the soil. In this way, organic cotton uses up to 88% less water than conventional cotton.

The deselection of pesticides also has a positive impact on the health of the farmers. By growing organic cotton, the farmers are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field, because they do not spray the cotton with pesticides, thereby avoiding contact with potentially dangerous chemicals.
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Organic clothes can be colourful
Molo has been in the fashion industry for many years and have noticed that many associate organic clothes with colourless or neutral tones - but it doesn’t have to be that way. Organic children’s clothes can be colourful – just like Molo! We have made a short movie in which we explain more about Molo’s GOTS certification and designing colourful, organic children's clothes.
Find the organic products
The easiest way to find the organic products is by selecting the filter 'Organic incl. GOTS' under 'Sustainability' in the filter on each category page. When doing this, you are only shown the products that are made from one of the two types of organic cotton mentioned above.

All organic products on the page are also marked with one of the two organic logos in the corner of each product. It is also mentioned in the product description if the product is organic. In addition, all organic products are also equipped with a physical hang tag with either the GOTS logo or the logo for organic cotton.
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Molo takes responsibility
GOTS takes part in UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to achieve better health for everyone and more sustainable economic growth.

Over the past few years, great emphasis has been placed on the environmental impact of the production of clothing. Accordingly, it is positive to have a certification such as GOTS, which indicates that a product is organic, while produced under responsible conditions.

Producing clothes organically protects the health of people, plants and animals. This is completed through organic farming which operates in a way that minimizes environmental impact and prohibits the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides that can end up in the soil, air and water.

This is also why, being 100% organic when it comes to natural materials, such as cotton, is a goal for Molo.
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*Certified by Ecocert Greenlife, certification no. 197496.